Board Meeting - September 2017
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
2. Appointment of new Trustees
3. Declarations of Interest
4. To approve Minutes of previous meeting 26.07.17 (Appendix 1)
5. Chair’s Report (Appendix 2)
6. Manager’s Reports:
a. Management and Activity Report (Appendix 3.1)
b. Progress Report (Appendix 3.2)
7. Task Groups Minutes (Appendix 4.1) & Work Priorities 2017/18 (Appendix 4.2)
a. Community Care Task Group (Appendix 4.3 Written report from Chair, Ann MacFarlane)
b. Hospital Services Task Group (Verbal report –tbc- from Chair, Graham Goldspring)
c. Mental Health Task Group (Verbal report from Chair, Tony Williams)
8. Finance Report (Appendix 5)
9. In Focus and Future Planning:
a. 2017/18 HWK Work Programme and 2018-21 HWK Strategy
b. STP Meeting with Tonia Michaelides
c. Choosing Wisely (Appendix 6)
d. Home Care and Wellbeing Teams (Appendix 7)
e. Annual Report 2016/17 New Layout (Appendix 8 - Paper copy at meeting)
f. Dates of future meetings