Healthwatch organisations in South West London are conducting surveys to understand your experiences with GP services as someone covered under the Accessible Information Standard (AIS). It should take 10 minutes to complete.
The NHS plans to triple the number of physician associates it employs. But how much do patients know about this role, and how can their role be safely expanded?
A poll of 1,504 working-age disabled adults found that 28% have never accessed social care or other support despite potentially being eligible. Healthwatch call for a fully funded, long-term plan to reform social care.
Inclusion and amplifying the voices of people with a learning disability is a key priority for the work of Healthwatch Kingston and the All Age Learning Disability Board.
The LSV wants to bring together people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough. Healthwatch Kingston has been re-commissioned by the London Safeguarding Adults Board to coordinate the LSV work programme.
In this year's YOL! Activity Update, find out what young people think about local heath and care service, watch an interview with Tom Baverstock, a Kingston’s Cycling Paramedic and discover more about how the YOL! Digital Youth Project has worked with the Kingston Resilience Fund to tackle young peoples challenges with social media.