1. NHS and social care transformation:

- Continue to monitor the commissioning, provision and transformation of NHS and Social Care in Kingston and the ‘South West London Integrated Care System’.
2. Promoting positive health and reducing health and care inequalities

- Continue to monitor inequalities, in particular, the health and care needs of children (0-5 years), women and people living with short, intermediate and long-term conditions.
3. Learning disability, autism and neurodiversity

- Continue to support meaningful engagement with local people with a learning disability in the work of HW Kingston, including Enter and View training.
- Continue to provide chair and administrative support for the ‘Kingston All Age Learning Disability Partnership Board’.
- Continue membership of the ‘Kingston Autism and ADHD Partnership Board’.
4. Mental health and wellbeing

- Continue to provide chair and administrative support for the ‘Kingston Mental Health and Wellbeing Group’.
- Continue to collaborate with Kingston Voluntary Action to support community engagement about Bereavement services.
5. Safeguarding and prevention of harm

- Continue membership of the ‘Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board’.
- Continue to deliver the Kingston Making Safeguarding Personal project, including Kingston Safeguarding Voices.
- Continue support for the London Safeguarding Adults Board, London Safeguarding Voices and Conference Planning Groups to ensure people with lived experience of safeguarding are integral to safeguarding systems and processes across London.
6. Young People (13-17 years)

- Continue to support Youth Out Loud! (YOL!) to review health and care services
- Continue to support delivery of the Digital Youth Project to add to the series of short health and care films and podcasts by young people for young people.
- Continue to support YOL! to develop its online and social media.
7. Residential care, nursing homes, and supported living

- Continue membership of the ‘Kingston Care Governance Board’.
- Carry out Enter and View of Kingston-based residential care settings, nursing homes, and supported living services. Visits focus on the care environment, residents’ mealtime experiences, and the provision of meaningful activities.