All Ages Learning Disability Partnership Board - End of Year Report 2023 - 2024

Inclusion and amplifying the voices of people with a learning disability is a key priority for the work of Healthwatch Kingston.

The publication of this report has been delayed due to the pre-election period.

Rather than publishing all of our 14 reports (which cover our activities between 1 April 2023 and 30 June 2024) at the same time, we will stagger these reports as part of a communications plan which will run from 5 July to 30 August 2024.

If you would like access to this report before it is scheduled for publication, please email and we will share this with you in advance.


The All Ages Learning Disability Partnership Board is a made up of professionals, service providers, and people with learning disabilities, and their carers and advocates.

It was set up by Kingston Council, and it is supported by Healthwatch Kingston. It was promised in the All Age Learning Disability Strategy.

It is co-chaired by local people with learning disabilities. We all work together to improve services for people with learning disabilities.

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All Ages Learning Disability Partnership Board End of Year Report 2023 - 2024

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