Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) puts the person who is the focus of a concern at the centre during a safeguarding enquiry - from the beginning to the end.
The LSV wants to bring together people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough. Healthwatch Kingston has been re-commissioned by the London Safeguarding Adults Board to coordinate the LSV work programme.
Youth Out Loud! (YOL!), is a group of young people aged 13-17 from Kingston and Richmond helping to improve health and social care services and promote the wellbeing of young people.
We provided updates on the key findings from some of our recent reports, we heard more about the South West London Mental Health Strategy and received an update on the Community Voices Group in Kingston.
We were joined by Sarah Ireland, RBK Interim Chief Executive and a number of representatives from different services provided updates on the progress of their Healthwatch Kingston recommendations.
NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read Healthwatch England's Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.