Healthwatch Kingston Pulse Check report: Multiple Sclerosis services

In July 2021, we met with the ‘Richmond and Kingston MS Group’ to look at ways to raise awareness of MS in Kingston and agreed to run Pulse Check community engagement.
In advance of MS Awareness Week 2022 (18 - 24 April). The publication of our Kingston Pulse Check report about Multiple Sclerosis services is a chance for us raise awareness of multiple sclerosis and say #LetsTalkMS #MSWeek
MS can be tough, and for many people talking about it can be challenging. This is what local people told us about local services.
I’ve always found the MS Specialist Nurse and the community MS Neurology Specialists very helpful and efficient.
It was incredibly frustrating when I had to justify the disabling impact that MS has had on my life and why is it that an MS diagnosis from a doctor wasn’t enough evidence for my assessor.
Healthwatch Kingston RECOMMENDATIONS for Commissioners and Providers of Multiple Sclerosis services:
- Health and social care service leads should explore ways to increase awareness of Multiple Sclerosis within the workforce in particular better understanding of the variety and intermittent nature of symptoms and the disabling impact that Multiple Sclerosis has on both the mental and physical health of people living with the condition.
- Review service provision in relation to the key messages shared in this Pulse Check Kingston report to ensure that both direct services and support (accessible treatment and care, such as MS specialist nurse to MS patient ratios both in hospital and as part of the community MDT/informed assessments/housing etc.) and associated services (Blue Badges/parking etc.) have capacity to appropriately meet the needs of people with Multiple Sclerosis in Kingston.
Local Multiple Sclerosis service offer
To find out about support available for people living with and affected by MS in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, go to the Healthwatch Kingston All About: Multiple Sclerosis services.