Changes to Parking for Blue Badge Holders at Kingston Hospital

Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust have upgraded all parking payment machines across Kingston Hospital, simplifying the process for Blue Badge holders.
A photo of Kingston Hospital entrance

Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust have upgraded all parking payment machines across Kingston Hospital.

Blue Badge holders will no longer need to go through the online registration process. Instead, you can simply scan your Blue Badge at one of the parking payment machines each time you park at the hospital.

A blue infographic providing information for blue badge holders. The information is repeated in the body of this article.

All Blue Badge holders are entitled to free parking at Kingston Hospital. In order to qualify for free parking, please follow the steps below. 

These steps can be completed at the start of your visit, or at the end of your visit. 

  1. Upon arrival at the site, park your vehicle in designed Blue Badge holder space. 

    If no Blue Badge holder bays are available, feel free to park in a suitable bay in the patient and visitor areas.

  2. Take your Blue Badge with you to the nearest parking payment machine. Machines are located at the Main Reception, Maternity, Emergency Department, Kingston Surgical Centre, Royal Eye Unit, Esher Wing and Physiotherapy. There's no need to leave your Blue Badge in the vehicle's windscreen.
  3. You will then be asked to enter your vehicle registration and SCAN the barcode on your Blue Badge using the barcode scanner on the payment machine.
  4. Once the above has been completed, you will be eligible for free parking during your visit.

Please note: Blue Badge holders will be required to scan their blue badge each time they park at the hospital. 

If you require any assistance, please speak with a member of the reception team before you leave.


Any questions please call or email the Parking office:

Call: 020 8934 2003 (option 2), 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday 
