Are you living with diabetes in Kingston? Share your experience of diabetes care and support

Join NHS South West London for an online sessions to share your insights and receive support to help you manage your diabetes.
A blue graphic with text that reads 'are you living with diabetes in Kingston? have your say' with sketches of speech bubbles

There are believed to be about 8,000 people in Kingston who have been diagnosed as having diabetes and national trends indicate that there could be around a further 2,000 in the Borough who have the condition but are unaware.

As part of NHS diabetes care individuals should be offered certain tests and checks every year such as blood sugar levels, feet, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood, and urine. These checks are also known as an annual review.

NHS South West London wants to hear about your experience of these tests and checks to help improve services and ensure that all residents eligible for these checks can access them. 

You can share your views by:

Joining an online conversation on 6 or 13 March at 11.15 am.  Places are limited.

Complete the survey which closes on Friday 4 April: Your experience of diabetes care and support

A flyer from NHS South West London. Text reads 'Join our diabetes support conversation Are you living with diabetes in Kingston? We want to hear about your experience of NHS care and support to help you manage your diabetes. Your insights are invaluable in helping us improve our services. Diabetes support online conversation Thursday 6 March or 13 March 11:15 - 12:30 on MS Teams Places are limited. Participants will be offered a £30 voucher. Can’t make it to the conversation? Take our online survey instead'

If you are unable to complete the survey online and do not have anyone to help you, NHS South West London can help you share your answers with over the phone.

To book your place for the online conversation or to get help completing the survey contact: 

020 4526 2675

Diabetes Services in Kingston

Learn more about advice, information and diabetes services that are available in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and other resources provided by Diabetes UK

All about: Diabetes Services

Healthwatch Kingston Findings

In 2022, Healthwatch Kingston working with Diabetes UK, encouraged Kingston residents with diabetes to share their views to help services work better for the people who use them.

What you told us

  • Participants raised concerns about inconsistencies between GP surgeries, the impact that Covid-19 had on diabetes treatments, and the support received at annual diabetes checks. 
  • There was uncertainty about being on the right medication or the correct dosage, and some participants felt that they knew more about their condition that their GP
  • Participants identified a need for better communication about diabetes, particularly to alleviate anxieties about food.

Find out more and read the full report