Volunteers Week (1 - 7 June 2022)

The Healthwatch network is supported by thousands of volunteers who help make a difference to health and care across the country.
volunteer week 2022

Volunteers' Week is a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the fantastic contribution our volunteers make. 

Healthwatch England are running a couple of events for volunteers to join:

 Volunteers’ Week – our strategy (1 June)

This session is part of our Volunteers’ Week 2022 celebrations. Healthwatch England are hosting this session for Healthwatch volunteers across the network to inform you about how the network works together and the Healthwatch England strategy. Knowing more about our strategy was one of the topics you said you would like to learn more about. You will have an opportunity to meet our Chair Sir Robert Francis QC, our Head of Network Development, Gavin Macgregor, and other Healthwatch volunteers.

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Volunteers’ Week – How your Healthwatch data makes a difference (7 June)

Healthwatch England are hosting this session for Healthwatch volunteers across the network to inform you about how the data you collect from your local community and share with us helps us decide what to focus on to get changes to health and social care services. This area of our work was one of the topics you said you would like to know more about when you completed the recent volunteer survey.

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