Alzheimers Society Kingston - offer Dementia Advisers, Dementia Support Workers, Carers' Support Group, therapeutic singing group, free workshops & drop in advice sessions at Surbiton Health Centre. Tel0203513514, Email 

Adult Social Care, RBK - Provides a range of adult care services. Tel 020 8547 5005, Email 

Kingston Bereavement Service -  support children, young people, adults and families who have been bereaved and are trying to come to terms with the impact that the death of someone close is having on their lives through. Offer free counselling for individuals and support and training for health, social and education professionals and local employers to help them develop their understanding of the bereavement process and its impact. Service available to anyone living, working or studying in Kingston and who is registered with a GP in the borough. Tel 020 8547 1552,  

Better Bones - service to improve the bone health of people who live in Kingston. If you are over 50 and have osteoporosis or are at risk of osteoporosis you can join their free 14-week exercise course and information session. Tel 0300 123 8086, Email 

Staywell- Offer a range of services and projects, both centre-based and in the community, designed to support people's independence and help them stay well. Tel 020 8408 8170, Email