All Age Kingston Carers Strategy 2022 - 2027

The Kingston Carers All Age Strategy sets out our renewed vision and strategic priorities to support carers.

The Kingston Carers All Age Strategy will ensure that the Council, health partners and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations work towards meeting the needs identified by carers and in line with Care Act 2014 requirements.  

The aim of the All Age Kingston Carers strategy is to paint a picture of what it is like to be an unpaid carer living in the Royal Borough of Kingston, what is important to carers, what current issues they are facing, what is working well and more importantly what can be improved.

The All Age Kingston Carers Strategy has been drafted following extensive engagement with young/ young adult and adult carers, carers support organisations and the Kingston Carers Board.

The All age Carers board is made up of carers, VCSE sector organisations that support carers, including Kingston Carers Network, health and care professionals, Healthwatch Kingston, Achieving for Children and RBK. The Carers Board will oversee the implementation of the strategy.


All Age Kingston Carers Strategy 2022 - 2027

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