Dementia drop-ins and updates

Alzheimer's Society are running drop-in sessions for Dementia Support at Kingston Libraries.

Come along to a dementia drop-in where you can ask Dementia Advisors anything you would like to know about Dementia. There will be resources to pick up and information on local services.

Dates, times and locations of drop-ins:

  • 27 January 10am - 1pm - Kingston Library
  • 10 February 11am - 3pm - New Malden Library
  • 10 March 11am - 3pm - Tolowrht Library

We are under-diagnosed in Kingston which means we have many people living with dementia but without the diagnosis – we can all play a part in trying to improve this and that’s what these drop-ins are aiming to help.

Below there is a ‘Symptom Checklist’ which is a fantastic tool to help people with worries about memory.  


Useful tools and information

Dementia Symptoms Checklist
Alzheimer’s Society Kingston - list of activities for people living with dementia and their carers

Dementia friendly cinema club

1st Tuesday of every month at 2pm

Care UK's cinema club is especially for people living with dementia and their carers. They show classic 'feel good' films in the comfort of the Sherwood Grange Home's cinema, providing a safe, social and supportive environment for people living with dementia.

To attend please call 0343 249 6437 or email