All about: The Integrated care systems (ICS) and Kingston Place
Integrated care systems are being made law across the country meaning a joined up approach to care for populations at different levels: neighbourhoods, places and systems.

For Kingston this means being part of a wider South West London strategy which includes representatives from the NHS, Local Authority and Voluntary Sector.
What is an integrated care system?
Watch this short video for a summary
Download the presentation
Kingston Place Update
What is Place?
The Integrated Care System (ICS) is about connecting different levels of care at a 'neighbourhood' level (30,000 - 50,000 people), 'place' level (250,000 - 500,000 people), and 'systems' level (1-3 million people).
The South West London Integrated Care System is made up of six places (boroughs) servicing a population of 1.5 million. These six Places are co-terminus with our six Local Authority boroughs: Kingston upon Thames, Richmond upon Thames, Wandsworth, Merton, Croydon and Sutton.
There are 41 local neighbourhoods within these places. These 41 neighbourhoods are aligned with the Primary Care Networks that have served their communities since they were established in 2019.
Who's on the Kingston Place Committee?
- Iona Lidington, Convenor and Public Health Lead
- Dr Nick Merrifield, Primary Care Development Lead
- Dr Annette Pautz, Primary Care Provider
- Jo Farrar, Transition Place Based Lead, NHS Acute and Community Lead
- Sharon Houlden, Local Authority Lead
- Ed Montgomery, NHS Community Lead
- Sanja Djeric Kane, CEO Kingston Voluntary Action – Voluntary Sector Lead
- Ian Dodds, Achieving for Children
- Jen Allan, Mental Health Lead
- Denise Madden, Place Development Programme Lead
- Tara Ferguson Jones, Communications and Engagement
- Liz Meerabeau, Healthwatch Kingston
Place priorities
- Children and young peoples’ emotional health and wellbeing ensuring local access
- Frailty – including housing and environmental matters
- Obesity / diabetes
- Inequalities - approach to underserved communities
- Screening and prevention
- Supporting our staff to move beyond the pandemic
NHS South West London ICS Update Newsletters
- July 2022 Update
- September 2022 Update
- October 2022 Update
- November 2022 Update
- December 2022 Update
- March 2023 Update
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board meetings