Early years: Health and care needs of under-5s and their families survey

Healthwatch Kingston upon Thames is your local health and social care champion and we are working collaboratively with Kingston Voluntary Action to deliver this 'Early years: Health and care needs of under-5s and their families' community engagement. Responses to this survey will also inform the development of community services in Kingston and across south west London.

Complete our Early Years survey and enter our participation draw, where you may be one of three people to WIN a £50 participation VOUCHER. You'll need to provide your name and email, so we can contact you if you are a winner.

Why we are doing this community engagement

We know that setting the foundations for health and wellbeing during pregnancy and in the early years of life is crucial to ensure every child has the best start in life.

Whether you are the parent or carer of a child / children receiving services, your views are important to us.

About this survey and Healthwatch Kingston 

Through this survey, we would like to better understand the health and care needs of children under-5 and their families in Kingston.

Services cannot make improvements without hearing your views and experiences. As well as encouraging those that who run local services to act on what matters to people like you, we anonymise and share what we hear from local people with the NHS, the Council and other decision makers, to provide insight for consideration in future service developments.
Complete our Early Years survey and enter our participation draw, where you may be one of three people to WIN a £50 participation VOUCHER. You'll need to provide your name and email, so we can contact you if you are a winner.
This survey will close at midnight on Monday 10 March 2025. 

Click here to complete our survey

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
Healthwatch Kingston is independent statutory service (not part of the NHS nor Kingston Council). You can find out more about us on the Healthwatch Kingston website.