Change NHS is the biggest public conversation about the NHS in its 76-year history. To make sure local people's views, experiences and ideas are heard, we spoke to different groups in Kingston to find out what they think about the Government's three big shifts.
Change NHS is the biggest public conversation about the NHS in its 76-year history. To make sure local people's views, experiences and ideas are heard, we spoke to different groups in Kingston to find out what they think about the Government's three big shifts.
Healthwatch Kingston supports LGBT+ history month which celebrates the diverse histories and experiences of LGBTQ+ people and strives to combat prejudice with awareness and education.
**TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE** Overwhelming feelings of work-related anxiety led Fabian to a complete loss of self-confidence, followed by depression and, ultimately, thoughts of taking his own life.
Sticking to some sort of routine has really helped me stay focused and has been a healthy way to cope with any anxiety that this uncertain time can cause. A routine can include simple things, like brushing your teeth and getting dressed.
Through therapy, I have learnt to implement various tools to help me control my anxiety, panic attacks, and feelings of discomfort, and through trial and error I have found the ones that fit best for me and would like to share them with you.
Being with nature is something I have been passionate about since the age of five and which has been personally very beneficial to my mental wellbeing.
Goal setting helps me to develop an action plan which encourages me to carry out my tasks. It helps me to motivate myself during challenging and uncertain times we are going through.
Having lived in Kingston for many years, I'm currently a Royal Borough of Kingston councillor focussing on community mental health. I have battled depression for much of my adult life but thankfully I now feel more in control of my mental wellbeing.
I’m passionate about community-led projects and making things happen that grow my own wellbeing and the wellbeing of people around me.
10 years ago I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation.