London Safeguarding Voices (LSV)

The LSV ensures that people with real lived experience of safeguarding are at the heart of London's safeguarding policies and procedures governance.
People with speech bubbles

At the end of 2020, HW Kingston’s Chief Executive Officer was asked to chair the Voices workgroup of the LSAB: 

The London Safeguarding Adult Board (LSAB) wanted to ensure people with lived experience of Safeguarding and their voices are at the heart of Safeguarding governance and practice across London. Healthwatch Kingston were commissioned to coordinate this exciting initiative. We are bringing together three people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough to form a new regional London Safeguarding Voices (LSV) group. This initiative will support the LSAB to ensure its work is co-produced and more person-centred moving forwards.

Read the latest LSV End of Year Activity Report

We are looking for volunteers from Kingston upon Thames to join the LSV.

Find out more about joining the LSV


We want to keep things as simple as possible and stay away from jargon. Our message is simple – ‘safeguarding is everyone’s business’.

Thinking Cogs